Reusable Bottles

Is my water bottle bigger than my face? Yes.

Is it environmentally friendly? Also, yes.

Should you get a reusable water bottle that may be bigger than your face? Absolutely, yes. 

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Whether or not your reusable bottle is actually bigger than your face is beside the point. The main thing here is to get and use a reusable bottle.

Over 500 BILLION single-use plastic bottles are used every year. What’s even more alarming is that only 1 in every 6 plastic bottles are actually recycled.

The rest? They get sent to a landfill. And because these bottles are plastic, that means they are made with oil and other harmful chemicals that eventually find their way into our soil and water systems through photodegradation.

It takes over 1,000 years for a single bottle to decompose (and don't forget, they're leaking harmful substances into our land that entire time).

So, what can you do to help out our planet, your health, and the health of humans all over the world (we share the same house, you know)?

You can fill your cabinets with BPA-free beverage containers, such as stainless steel and glass. Buy a water filter for filling your bottles/glasses up at home. If you do use single-use plastic bottles, be sure to recycle them, and pick them up and toss them in a recycling bin if you see them lying around on the ground outside. Encourage your friends and families to do the same.

How about you? Do you use reusable beverage containers? Are they bigger than your face 😅? Comment below! 

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for the love of the world + all on it.

x o, rachel

